Davis County Commission Meeting, July 2, 2024
By John Crofts
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Davis County Commission Meeting Highlights
July 2024 Employee Service Awards Davis County recognized employees who have reached significant career milestones, honoring their dedication and service to the county.
Proclamation for Colonel Jeffrey G. Holland Day A proclamation declared July 8, 2024, as “Colonel Jeffrey G. Holland Day” in Davis and Weber Counties, recognizing the distinguished service of Colonel Holland.
Bountiful City RAP Tax Renewal The commission received a notice of intent from Bountiful City to renew their Recreation, Arts, and Parks (RAP) tax, which supports local cultural and recreational initiatives.
Public Comments The floor was open for public comments, allowing residents to voice their opinions and concerns.
Business/Action Items
- Animal Care Facility Contract Negotiations
- Notices of intent to engage in contract negotiations for construction management/general contractor services and architectural/design services for the Davis County Animal Care Facility.
COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE 2. Indigent Cremation Services – Agreements with Leavitt’s Mortuary, Lindquist Mortuary, Premier Funeral Services, Russon Brothers Mortuary, and Myers Mortuary for funding assistance for indigent cremation services. 3. Mental Health Services Funding – Amendment with the Utah Department of Health & Human Services to provide funding to Davis Behavioral Health for mental health services. 4. Library Board Appointment – Appointment of Rosalie Taylor to the Davis County Library Board. 5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Plan – Approval of the 2024-2026 Area Plan with Davis Behavioral Health. 6. RAP Tax Resolution – A resolution notifying Bountiful City of Davis County’s intent regarding the RAP tax.
COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7. Public Hearing – Development of Davis County’s 2024-2028 Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the Community Development Block Grant.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT 8. Contract Amendments – Approval of amendments to various contracts, including: – Electronic case reporting – Web accessibility training – Performance standards – Environmental quality funding
INFORMATION SYSTEMS 9. REDIWeb Contracts – Approval of contracts for property information access.
SHERIFF’S OFFICE 10. Dispatch Services Agreements – Approval of interlocal agreements with Clinton City, Kaysville City, and Sunset City for dispatch services. 11. Inmate Housing Agreement – Approval of an intergovernmental agreement with the Utah Department of Corrections. 12. Training Agreement – Approval of a training agreement for Special Function Officer certification. 13. Contract Extension – Written notice of extension for the contract with Summit Food Service, LLC for jail food services. 14. Drug Testing Supplies Contract – Approval of an amendment to the agreement with Microgenics Corp for drug testing supplies.
BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 15. Property Tax Register – Review and approval of the property tax register. The County Auditor highlighted an error due to their software system.
Consent Items
- Meeting Minutes Approval
- Approval of the work session meeting minutes and regular commission meeting minutes from June 18, 2024.
Additional Announcements
The County Clerk emphasized that the Clerkâs office is following state statutes for elections and invited the public to be involved.
Commissioner Kamalu discussed several topics:
- The Utah Association of Counties’ Annual Justice Summit, noting improvements in UAC.
- The recent Air Show, which was highly praised.
- A signing ceremony recognizing Weber State University’s new initiative to conduct training and classes on a military base, a first for a state school. She shared various quotes from women and others regarding the United States, shared in the Davis Journal.