Davis County Commission Meeting, May 28, 2024

By John Crofts

767 words

Reading time 3-4 minutes

This meeting was unusual. The room was full, with an unexpected number of voters present who addressed the Commission. Many provided community feedback regarding the task force for the homeless shelter. Commissioner Kamalu was initially involved in the task force, but Chair Stephenson recently took over as the lead. Commissioner Elliott encouraged voters to contact their legislators to amend House Bill 499. According to HB 499, the Chair of the Commission is to oversee the task force.

The Chair discussed the Homeless Task Force and provided details that had not been previously mentioned by the Commission. One citizen commented and presented her concerns about fluoride in the water, but the majority of comments were about homelessness. Several distinguished citizens from Kaysville expressed strong disapproval of the proposed homeless shelter sites, citing their proximity to schools and other vulnerable areas. These informed citizens were passionate, articulate, and clearly conveyed their objections to the Commission. Commissioner Elliott reiterated his disapproval of House Bill 499 and urged people to contact their legislators.

Commissioner Kamalu remained uncharacteristically silent during the public opinions, which was unusual given her previous role overseeing the Homeless Task Force. Chair Stephenson explained the process, plan, potential solutions, and the overall homeless issues. He mentioned that they had asked each of the 15 cities to suggest potential areas to house the homeless. House Bill 499, sponsored by a Salt Lake County Legislative representative, was supported by some Davis County legislators, leading to complications in Davis County. Chair Stephenson emphasized that the Legislature passed this law, requiring the Commission to comply.

The Task Force meetings are closed-door sessions, leaving voters out of the discussion. Chair Stephenson explained that six mayors and one County Commissioner are involved. He received comments, engaged in dialogue with citizens, asked questions, and allowed some comments to exceed the three-minute rule. When the meeting became loud, he reminded citizens to be respectful and noted that the Sheriff’s Office could remove those who were not.

All other matters in the Commission were unanimously passed and voted upon. One significant milestone mentioned was an employee completing 50 years of service for Davis County, along with the recognition of several other employees.

Business/Action Items:

Auditor’s Office:

  • Notice of Intent to Engage in Contract Negotiations for Medical Services at the Davis County Correctional Facility was presented. This has been somewhat controversial due to concerns about perceived lower quality healthcare.

Community & Economic Development:

  • A contract with MetaSports for a summer soccer program was approved.
  • Approval was given for a contract with Rocky Mountain 7 on 7 for two football tournaments.
  • A Property Exchange Agreement with Centerville City, involving Smith/Founders Park and the Centerville Library, was approved, followed by the execution and acceptance of quitclaim deeds to finalize the exchange.
  • A Reciprocal Easement Agreement between the Davis County Centerville Branch Library and Centerville City Porter Walton Park was authorized.
  • A Sponsorship Agreement with Utah Recreation and Parks Association (URPA) for the 2024 golf tournament was sanctioned.
  • The 2024-2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract with South Davis Water District for a waterline project in Bountiful City was approved.


  • A resolution approving an interlocal agreement among Davis County, University of Utah Hospital and Clinics, and Farmington City for the Western Sports Park traffic signal and intersection was passed.

Sheriff’s Office:

  • Multiple amendments to interlocal agreements for law enforcement services with West Point City and Fruit Heights City were ratified.
  • A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Davis County Sheriff’s Office and the State of Utah, Department of Public Safety was approved.
  • Various agreements, including a Letter of Intent and Pilot License Agreement with OP Media, Inc., related to the OP System, were authorized.
  • A donation agreement with the Jason W. Read Foundation for ballistic shields amounting to $1,080 was accepted.
  • Numerous NCIC Hit Confirmation Agreements with various law enforcement agencies and departments were confirmed.
  • Applications and agreements for inclusion in the tow rotation through the Davis County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center were approved for several towing companies, including Utah Towing LLC, Ruth Y Manu Towing LLC, and others.

Consent Items:

  • The minutes from the Work Session on May 14, 2024, and the Regular Session on May 21, 2024, were approved.

The meeting concluded with acknowledgments of the important contracts and agreements that will impact the county’s services and community projects in the upcoming months.

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