By John Crofts 

Word Count: 298 words

Read Time: Approximately 1-2 minute read

Chair Bob Stephenson opened the meeting, and Commissioner Kamalu remarked that it was the most well-attended Commission meeting ever. The Commissioners extended special recognition to outstanding Davis County employees for their exceptional performance and years of service. Notably, Troy Rollings acknowledged Michael Kendall for his significant cost-saving efforts, which saved the County hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Commission expressed heartfelt gratitude to all of Davis County’s outstanding employees. Commissioner Elliott was excused mid-meeting and was not present for votes due to catching a plane.

Starting with the financial aspect, a significant Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) amounting to $490,306 was confirmed, ensuring essential support for the county’s operations.

In the ensuing business/actions, several key resolutions were addressed. The Auditor’s Office led a public hearing and resolution approving additional budget appropriations.

The Community & Economic Development sector approved a resolution for an interlocal cooperation transportation agreement with Layton City, fostering regional collaboration for infrastructure development. Additionally, an agreement with UDOT to include Weber State Davis Campus as a destination on I-15 signage was established, enhancing accessibility and recognition for the educational institution.

In matters pertaining to the Library, an annual grant through the State Library was discussed, reflecting the county’s commitment to promoting literacy and resource sharing.

Turning to law enforcement, agreements for the 24/7 SCRAM program and a training agreement for SFO-BCO certification were approved, underscoring the Sheriff’s Office’s dedication to public safety and professional development.

A modification of Grant 2020-502E was ratified, signaling the county’s ongoing collaboration with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for forest conservation efforts.

In the realm of taxation, the Property Tax Register and related documents were addressed by the Board of Equalization, ensuring accurate and equitable taxation practices.

Finally, consent items, including abatement registers and work session meeting minutes, were reviewed and approved, reflecting routine administrative tasks. Commissioner Kamalu highlighted the success of the 6th Annual Resilience Symposium, an event aimed at fostering resilience within the entire community. Initially launched by the Health Department and other community partners, the symposium has grown into a significant initiative. This year, the event adopted a hybrid format, attracting hundreds of participants both in-person and virtually. Additionally, it was noted that the event will be featured in the County’s digital newsletter, ensuring broader dissemination of its insights and outcomes.

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